Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Doctor Who episode art challenge - 200 to 206 + personal updates

I decided not to post every poster as I make them, because there's too much spam. Feel free as to spam your friends with my work tho', hint hint nudge nudge ;)

As always: feel free to click on the image and be redirected to my DeviantArt account where you can download a biiiig version of these (or buy a print
hint hint nudge nudge).

Here goes!

200 The Christmas Invasion Christmas special

This is the one where we lose an Eccleston but gain a Tennant. The Ninth Doctor regenerates into the Tenth Doctor (my personal fav, along with my first, Four and Three), Rose is freaking out and the world is saved by a sword and a satsuma.
Featuring new teeth and not being ginger.

201 New Earth

The new Doctor gets acquainted to the cat nurses and the Face Of Boe (lovely fellah, you'll see), Rose has an identity crisis and a set of hearts is beating out a samba. 

202 Tooth And Claw

Queen Victoria is not amused in the thirds episode of series two, as she is involved in a rather dodgy case of werewolfism. The episode that features the rather ghastly phrase "Och aye, I've been oot n aboot...!".

 203 School Reunion

Chips fried in rather suspicious oil, Krillitanes flapping around and our Sarah Jane. Featuring our fav pet, K9 (Mark III and Mark IV). Affirmative, mastah.

 204 The Girl In The Fireplace

The Doctor snogs his way through 18th century France, gets drunk, rides a horse and drools over clockwork droids. "Oh, you are beaaaaaautiful..!"

205 Rise Of The Cybermen
206 The Age Of Steel

A nice two-parter exploring the rebirth of the Cybermen, where things get awkward because their creator is The Doctor's dad (IMDB it, people:P), Pete Tyler comes back and Rose is a wittle doggie.

Follow my illustration project and see the previous illustrations:
@ tumblr in my blog, under the tag POSTERPROJECT
@Blogspot under the label Doctor Who poster challenge
@my DeviantArt gallery, in the folder “Doctor Who Posters” (where you can download the big files, should you like)
@my Pinterest profile
and ofc @my FB page in the folder “Doctor Who Minimal Posters”

On other news, my Kindle Keyboard died. RIP Keyndle.

And I now look like this:

If you stumble upon me outside give me hugs or money. Or both. A project would be nice, as well :P I am told that the ladies like my hair. Feel free as to stroke or ruffle
it (fees may apply, drooling prohibited).

And this is an interview I gave to a (Greek only, I'll translate if someone requests it) magazine called Ροζ Καφενειο (Pink Cafe' ). 

Btw, if you want to meet me, I'll be in Athens this Christmas (also hosting a Doctor Who Christmas party, if interested) and you'd better not miss me, because... 
Well. Because of reasons.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Doctor Who episode art challenge - Series One wrap-up

Hello, Whovians and whoever else reads my blog (that'd be.. hm. Not many people.).
As you've noticed I've started a project so as to keep somewhat busy, making a poster for every Doctor Who episode. Well, series One is over! Take a moment to remember (that's for lazy people that don't want to scroll down a lot and also good incentive for me to make a new post:P) those glorious illustrations!

Now I finished with series One, I will move on to series Two!
Coming up: The Christmas Invasion!

Friday, November 2, 2012

Doctor Who episode art challenge - 111, 112 and 113 - Season Finale!

I decided to post these 3 together, for no reason at all!
As always: feel free to click on the image and be redirected to my DeviantArt account where you can download a biiiig version of these.

Here goes!

111 Boom Town

The eleventh episode from series 1, starring Christopher Eccleston, Billie Piper and featuring that member of the Slitheen family that got away and became the Mayor Of Cardiff. Oh, my, aliens as politicians..? That’s unheard of! Next they’ll become Prime Ministers or even Presidents and…~


112 Bad Wolf

The twelfth episode from series 1, starring Christopher Eccleston, Billie Piper and.. remember Satellite 5 from episode 7?  Well, tadaaaaaaaaa, guess what!
-DALEKS, that’s what!


113 The Parting Of The Ways

The thirteenth episode from series 1, starring Christopher Eccleston, Billie Piper and a tiny dash of the new, Tenth Doctor, David Tennant and his manic grin. End of the line for the Ninth Doctor and Rose is more than she seems.
Famous last words: “I will not die!!! I CANNOT DIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE~”

Series One illustrations are all finished now, onwards to the prelude of series Two, The Christmas Invasion!
Follow my illustration project and see the previous illustrations:
@ tumblr in my blog, under the tag POSTERPROJECT
@Blogspot under the label Doctor Who poster challenge
@my DeviantArt gallery, in the folder “Doctor Who Posters” (where you can download the big files, should you like)
@my Pinterest profile
and ofc @my FB page in the folder “Doctor Who Minimal Posters”

Friday, October 26, 2012

Doctor Who episode art challenge - 110 The Doctor Dances

The Doctor Dances, the tenth episode from series 1, starring Christopher Eccleston, Billie Piper and featuring the gas-mask mutants and the Doctor dancing.

Feel free to click on the image and be redirected to my DeviantArt account where you can download a biiiig version of this.

Follow my illustration project and see the previous illustrations:
@ tumblr in my blog, under the tag POSTERPROJECT
@Blogspot under the label Doctor Who poster challenge
@my DeviantArt gallery, in the folder “Doctor Who Posters” (where you can download the big files, should you like)
and ofc @my FB page in the folder “Doctor Who Minimal Posters”

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Doctor Who episode art challenge - 109 The Empty Child

Continuing with yet another one minimal poster for every Doctor Who episode.

The Empty Child, the ninth episode from series 1, starring Christopher Eccleston, Billie Piper and featuring the London Blitz, pansexual stud Captain Jack Harkness and Zepellins.

Feel free to click on the image and be redirected to my DeviantArt account where you can download a biiiig version of this.

Follow my illustration project and see the previous illustrations:
@ tumblr in my blog, under the tag POSTERPROJECT
@Blogspot under the label Doctor Who poster challenge
@my DeviantArt gallery, in the folder “Doctor Who Posters” (where you can download the big files, should you like)
and ofc @my FB page in the folder “Doctor Who Minimal Posters”

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Doctor Who episode art challenge - 108 Father's Day

Doctor Who episode art challenge - 108 Father's Day
Father's Day, the eighth episode from series 1, starring Christopher Eccleston, Billie Piper and featuring a paradox and Reapers fixing timelines.

Feel free to click on the image and be redirected to my DeviantArt account where you can download a biiiig version of this.

Follow my illustration project
@ tumblr in my blog, under the tag POSTERPROJECT
@Blogspot under the label Doctor Who poster challenge
@my DeviantArt gallery, in the folder “Doctor Who Posters” (where you can download the big files, should you like)
and ofc @my FB page in the folder “Doctor Who Minimal Posters”

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Doctor Who episode art challenge - 107 The Long Game + Theta

The Long Game, the seventh episode from series 1, starring Christopher Eccleston, Billie Piper and featuring the Mighty Jagrafess of the Holy Hadrojassic Maxarodenfoe (a.k.a. Max, Editor in Chief) and a very blond Simon Pegg.  

Feel free to click on the image and be redirected to my DeviantArt account where you can download a biiiig version of this.

Follow my illustration project
@ tumblr in my blog, under the tag POSTERPROJECT
@Blogspot under the label Doctor Who poster challenge
@my DeviantArt gallery, in the folder “Doctor Who Posters” (where you can download the big files, should you like)
and ofc @my FB page in the folder “Doctor Who Minimal Posters”

Also, this is Theta (Sigma).

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Doctor Who episode art challenge - 106 Dalek

Continuing with yet another one minimal poster for every Doctor Who episode.

Dalek, the sixth episode from series 1, starring Christopher Eccleston, Billie Piper and featuring the last of the Daleks, a single-minded race from planet Skaro. No, wait, everyone knows about the Daleks..!

Back to more minimal themes with this one.. ;)

Feel free to click on the image and be redirected to my DeviantArt account where you can download a biiiig version of this.

Follow my illustration project
@ tumblr in my blog, under the tag POSTERPROJECT
@Blogspot under the label Doctor Who poster challenge
@my DeviantArt gallery, in the folder “Doctor Who Posters” (where you can download the big files, should you like)
and ofc @my FB page in the folder “Doctor Who Minimal Posters”

Doctor Who poster challenge wrap up 01

As I said here, I decided to start a little project for fun and practice reasons. The project has to do with illustrations, making a small minimal poster for each Doctor Who episode, the new show, not the Classic era Doctor. I've always liked minimal illustrations, so I'm going to be focusing on specific things from each episode and using them in the posters.So far, so good, even if the bi-logy of the Slitheen proved a challenge for my OCD tendencies (I couldn't resist, so I had to make Big Ben in all its' glory, or at least the part of Big Ben that my illustration needed).

Doctor Who poster challenge progress:
5 eps from series 1 done

101 Rose
102 The End Of The World
103 The Unquiet Dead
104 Aliens Of London
105 World War Three

Follow my illustration project
@ tumblr in my blog, under the tag POSTERPROJECT
@Blogspot under the label Doctor Who poster challenge
@my DeviantArt gallery, in the folder “Doctor Who Posters” (where you can download the big files, should you like)
and ofc @my FB page in the folder “Doctor Who Minimal Posters”

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Doctor Who episode art challenge - 105 World War Three

As promised, another one minimal poster for every Doctor Who episode.

World War Three, the fifth episode from series 1, starring Christopher Eccleston, Billie Piper and featuring the Slitheen, an evil alien family from the planet Raxacoricofallapatorious, conspiring to take over the Earth. 

Feel free to click on the image and be redirected to my DeviantArt account where you can download a biiiig version of this.
I'll be uploading more of these posters, as soon as I make them.

Doctor Who episode art challenge - 104 Aliens Of London

Even if it's not one a day, I am still making one minimal poster for every Doctor Who episode.

Aliens Of London, the fourth episode from series 1, starring Christopher Eccleston, Billie Piper and featuring aliens in the fair city of London and the destruction of a very famous monument of the aforementioned city.

Feel free to click on the image and be redirected to my DeviantArt account where you can download a biiiig version of this.
I'll be uploading more of these posters, as soon as I make them. Actually, I'll upload the next episode of this two-parter later in the day.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Doctor Who episode art challenge - 103 The Unquiet Dead + The Masters of the Universe

So yes I will make one minimal poster for every Doctor Who episode.

The Unquiet Dead, the third episode from series 1, starring Christopher Eccleston, Billie Piper and featuring some very unquiet dead that don't stay dead and Charles Dickens.

Feel free to click on the image and be redirected to my DeviantArt account where you can download a biiiig version of this.
I'll be uploading more of these posters, as soon as I make them.

Also, I did some samples for a colouring job (didn't get it, alas).

Till next time, take care!

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Doctor Who episode art challenge - 102 The End Of The World

As I said yesterday, I will make one minimal poster for every Doctor Who episode.

The End Of The World, the second episode from series 1, starring Christopher Eccleston, Billie Piper and featuring the end of the world and lady Cassandra ("moisturize me, moisturize me!" :P)

Feel free to click on the image and be redirected to my DeviantArt account where you can download a biiiig version of this.
I'll be uploading more of these posters, as soon as I make them.
Till next time, take care!

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Doctor Who episode art challenge - 101 Rose

I decided to to a little project for fun and practice reasons. I will make a small minimal poster for each Doctor Who episode, the new show, not the Classic era Doctor. I've always liked minimal illustrations, so I'm going to be focusing on specific things from each episode and using them in the posters.

I made the first today, it's the illustration for Rose, the first episode from series 1, starring Christopher Eccleston, Billie Piper and featuring the living plastic menace of the Autons!

Feel free to click on the image and be redirected to my DeviantArt account where you can download a biiiig version of this.
I'll be uploading more of these posters, as soon as I make them.
Till next time, take care!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

New Art: John Simm

As you've prolly noticed by now ( :P ) I am a huge fan of John Simm. I think he's a great actor, even if underrated, I like the way he looks and I ENVY him. So I made a freehand sketch of him as practice and wee tribute. SO, here's Sam Tyler, played by John Simm, from the UK tv show "Life On Mars".
Done directly on PSCS5 using a Wacom Graphire3 pen, 1 hour, limited 5 colour palette (not counting the background).

(you can also find it here:
and also my FB page here: )

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

What a relief! Harry isn't dead (yet)!

Yes! (or Alas!) after several months from my last post (April 22nd) I'm posting again to say:
I am not dead yet. It's true that I'm going through the toughest, most difficult phase of my life, but I'm trying as to keep calm and bite my upper (even though it's usually the lower) lip hard and keep going. No, I am not going to post a "Keep calm and..." poster, even though I have made one in the past. You're safe for now.
So, what happened during those months, you say? (bear with me, these are not going to be in order)

I've (at last) made a PDF folio. I think I'm kinda proud of it for now. Behold:

I made a Facebook Page for my work. You can find it here:
If you have a Facebook account please Like and share if you like my work even a bit.

I haz more business cards now!
(in case you want some to give to people, drop me a line)

My colouring work was featured in Fuctart online magazine. I am grateful they asked to feature me, but I spent some time making the pages I sent them and they just cropped and used some images without credits. Bit cross with that. Feel free to register and download the latest issue (#18) here:

I have started therapy. It's for my transition and also mending some very deep wounds my soul has, so, either way, helpful. I'm trying to become a better person, a one that doesn't break down that easily and, lately, this happened a lot, so, work in progress there.
Anyway, I shouldn't write these things, but it's an artist's blog and my personal blog, so yes, why not.

I have made a mastectomy fund. Preparing for the future of my transition. It's very very hard (possibly impossible) as to save money for that now, so if you please have something to spare, I'd be forever grateful. (You can request a sketch if you donate, I'd be happy to make one, or commission me ^^)

I am now 30 years old, my fab girlfriend had her birthday 2 days ago and we’re now almost 1,5 year together. Yay us. Also:
My hair's all salt and pepper now. Mature much?

By the way:
my friend Lu gave me a tie for my birthday, making it officially the 10th tie I have. I am very proud of my tie collection (8 silk ones, 2 synthetic). This tie is the bee’s knees.

Also: my friend Lu took me by the ear and we went to London and then Sheffield to see John Simm perform in Harold Pinter’s Betrayal at The Crucible. I popped my British theatre cherry with my beloved (and utter bloody northern BASTARD) John Simm. I’m happy I lived through that and didn’t melt on the spot. The theatre was great, the play was great (I luv Pinter), John was great, the weather wasn’t that great (bloody soddy sun!) and oh, I met the TARDIS at last. And 2 friends of mine from deviantArt, Jemma and Alice :D we shared a pint and I was so glad to actually meet them.

My friend Sofia got into the Athens school of Graphic Design. I was so glad but I couldn’t express that because I’m a jerk (I was really depressed).

I got acquainted to a kitten I thought was going to be my future cat, but didn’t make it, it was terribly ill. Some people called it Joe, but I wanted to name it Koschei. RIP Kos.

I attended Athens Pride and the first Thess Pride. It’s just Pride, people, not Gay Pride. There. 

I made a sketch of the Ninth Doctor and one of the Eleventh Doctor. Here are both of them, hope you like:

That's all for now, I think. Hope I'll update again soon. Take care of yourselves and think a little bit of me. Ta!